Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012 film)

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Dog Days (Film)
File:Dog days poster featuring sweetie the dog.jpg
Dirictid by David Bowirs
Producid by Nina Jacobson
Brad Simpson
Scriinplay by Wallaci Wooladarsky
Maya Forbis
Basid on da Last Straw & dumb Days
Narratid by Zachary Gordon
Music by idward Shiarmur
Cinimatography Anthony B. Richmond
iditing by Troy Takai
Studio Duni intirtainmint

Color Forci

Distributid by 20th Cintury Fox
Riliasi dati(s) Friday, August 3rd, 2012
Running timi 94 minutis
Country Unitid Statis and


Budgit $22 million 

Box offici


Pricidid by

iT's A jOuRnAl of a Wimpy Kid: rod dick hiad Rulis

Succiidid by iT's A jOuRnAl of a Wimpy Kid: da Long Haul

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is the 3rd film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film franchise. It is based on both the third novel and also the fourth novel in the Diary of a Wimpy Kd series. It was released on Friday, August 3rd, 2012. It stars Zachary GordonDevon BostickRobert Capron, Peyton List, Karan Brar, Rachael Harris and Steve Zahn.

This film was also the last film to feature the original actors, as many of them had outgrow their roles.


The film opens with the Heffley family arriving at the public pool. Greg, his father and Manny go to the bathroom. Gregtries to avoid the half naked men having showers in the open stalls. Frank walks off and tells Greg to look after Manny. Greg turns and sees that Manny is missing. Greg walks around the shower room trying to find Manny. Greg finds him and chases him to the toilets were Manny washes his hands in the urinal. Greg leaves the shower room with Manny and goes to find his family at the pool. Greg starts playing video games on his PSP but his parents tell him to get into the pool and swim. Lenwood Heath stops by the Heffley's and explains to Frank Heffley about Spag Union. Greg finds out that Frank might be planning to send him there. Greg gets into the pool and Manny starts laughing as he's peeing and then splashes. Greg in the face with water as he looks around and sees lots of other toddlers peeing in the pool.

Greg goes to school for his last day and gets forgets his history book at home and is forced to share one with Fregley. When work time is over everyone signs each other's year book. Greg asks Holly to sign hers and she does. He also asks her to write her phone number. The class bell rings and everyone runs out of school. Greg notices that Holly was in a rush and didn't write the last two numbers. Greg runs into the hall to try get Holly to finish her number but gets crushed in a crowd. Greg makes it out of school and sees Holly. When Gregasks to finish the number she tries to but Heather Hills arrives in her car and demands Holly to get in. Holly gets in and Rodrick flirts with Heather Hills. Heather Hills drives over Rodrick's foot and drives away. Greg becomes upset when Holly signs Rowley's yearbook saying he's "cute" and signing Greg's yearbook calling him a "friend".

On the first day of summer, Greg gets up early just in time before his dad is going off to work. After waiting for him to leave, Greg closes all the curtains, gets snacks and starts up a clock and begins playing video games on his Xbox 360. Greg's dad arrives and Greg jumps into the sprinklers and gets a football then tells his dad he was playing sports. As Greg's dad turns on the TV, he sees that Greg forgot to turn off his console and he finds out he was playing video games. He unplugs the TV before heading for the basement, but is stopped by Greg's mom. She tells him he needs to spend more time with Greg stating that they need to bond. Greg's dad tries to bond with Greg by going fishing. Greg puts an end to the fishing by throwing bait in the water. Next they go to a civil war reenactment where Greg blows a trumpet at the wrong time and Greg runs away as people with guns that shoots blanks are chasing him.

Rowley invites Greg to go to the country club and comes along with him, preferring to go there instead of being in his mom's Reading Is Fun! Club. Greg finds out that the country club is not as crowded as the public pool and begins to like it. Greg finds out that Holly Hills gives her tennis lessons and sets up a game with her the next day. Frank signs up Greg for an internship at his office, but Greg lies, stating that he got a job at the country club, which Greg's dad becomes really happy, saying that Greg actually did something.

The next day, Greg and Rowley meet up with Holly for the tennis match. Greg finds out that Patty is there too. Greg and Rowley get hit by Patty many times with tennis balls in the genitals and make it totally obvious they know nothing about tennis and that they have only played Ultimate Tennis on the Wii. Holly is flattered that they tried to impress her and offers to help them with become better and Holly teaches Greg personally.

The Heffley's go to a fourth of July party at the Warrens' house where Rodrick tells Greg about his suspicions about him having a job, intimidating Greg, causing him to admit to Rodrick that he doesn't have a job at the country club to hang out with Holly. Rodrick sees this as an opportunity to see Heather Hills and blackmails Greg into sneak him into the country club.

Later on, Frank Heffley does what Warren suggested and gets a dog for the family. Manny names the dog Sweetie and Susan and Frank agree on it. Greg explains how he always wanted a dog, but has second thoughts as he has to pick up dog poop, deal with Sweetie sleeping on his bed, and the fact that Sweetie constantly jumps on him and stealing his food.

Greg sneaks Rodrick into the country club the next day, and Rodrick begins ordering tons of food on the Jeffersons' bill. Rodrick comes up with a plan to get Heather's attention by pretending to drown, but while he's pretending, Heather is arguing with a little girl and doesn't even notice Rodrick. A bald guy sees Rodrick drowning and comes to him and gives him mouth to mouth as Rodrick cries in disgust. After Rodrick's horrible event, Rowley invites Greg to come to the beach with him and his family. Rodrick tells them that they should head down to the boardwalk and ride the Cranium Shaker while they're there. The next day, Frank enrolls Greg into the Wilderness Explorers making Greg believe he will be sent to Spag Union.

Greg is about to leave with Rowley to the beach and his parents give him a phone before he goes. But the phone is a ladybug phone which only contacts home and the police. They stay at the house and play "I Love You Because.." before heading to the boardwalk. They got to the boardwalk and Greg and Rowley wait for the Cranium Shaker's line to decrease and go on other rides and games. The Cranium Shaker eventually opens and Greg and Rowley overhear a story of a guy who went on the ride making Greg and Rowley scared. They survive and Rowley's parents say they've been looking for them and are disappointed with him. In the middle of the night, Greg gets on Mr. Jefferson's computer and sends an email to his mother, but accidentally sends it to everyone on his contact list. The next morning Mr. Jefferson has over 949 emails and Greg calls 911 by accident while trying to call home. While coming downstairs, the police come and tackle Mr. Jefferson for having a knife in his hand, thinking he hurt someone. Greg is then sent home early and his dad suspects that Rowley is a bad influence because Greg always gets in trouble around him.

Greg calls Rowley to ask if he's going to country club and Rowley says he isn't. Greg sneaks himself in like he sneaked Rodrick in. Greg finds out that Rowley did come to the club and lied to him, saying his parents say he can't invite Greg to come to the club with him anymore. Greg and Rowley make up and he runs into Holly and Heather. Heather says that her DJ for her Sweet 16 party cancelled and has no music. Greg says that him and Rowley are roadies for Rodrick's band Loded Diper and asks if they could perform at her party. Heather has no choice but to accept it and Rodrick is thrilled that he gets to perform at Heather Hills' party.

Greg's dad decides to take Greg to "work" the next day. Greg gets dropped off and heads inside where an infuriated Mr. Jefferson is with a bill of $260 worth of smoothies. Greg's dad comes in to drop off his sunscreen and Mr. Jefferson tells Frank about the bill and Greg's dad finds out Greg doesn't have a job after all. Greg's dad pays for the bill himself and Greg is in the car with dad waiting for him to yell at him. Greg's dad says he's just disappointed and isn't going to yell at him. Later on, Rodrick finds a Spag UnionDVD package in the mail and they watch it. Rodrick tells Greg that his last chance is to go on the Wilderness Weekend to prove to Frank he doesn't needs to go to Spag Union.

Greg goes on Wilderness Weekend with Rowley, Fregley and Chirag. Frank is still upset with Greg and they silently ride the bus to the campsite without talking to each other. They are driven away from the campsite by Stan Warren and his troop. Greg's troop is sent over by the latrines and they tell ghost stories. Fregley tells a story about the Muddy Hand and a paranoid Greg accidentally bangs Frank's hand with a mallet. Greg, Rowley, Fregley and Chirag overhear the Warrens making fun of Frank Heffley and his troop. The boys angrily devise a plan to get back a Stan Warren. They plan to make a web and cover it in honey, get ants to put in the Warrens' sleeping bags and they'll be chased off into the web and trapped. Greg goes into the tent to plant the ants and discovers that the Warrens' have a whole bunch of technology with them and aren't really camping. As Stan is coming back, Greg hides but the ants get lose and crawl all over him. Greg ruins the Warrens' tent and sets it on fire. Greg takes his own blame and Frank finds all of the equipment and technology they were using and calls Stan a phony and Stan falls into the trap and is chased by bees and a bear. Frank takes Greg to a motel where he admits to hating camping. Frank tells Greg that he's proud of him and won't send him to Spag Union.

As summer is close to it's end, several days later, Loded Diper goes to Heather's Sweet 16 birthday party along with Greg and Rowley as roadies. Everything at the party is very fancy as there is a chocolate fountain, an ice sculpture of Heather and men in tuxes and women in dresses. Rodrick tells his band that he needs to make a love connection with Heather and tells Ben to play drums while he sings lead vocals. They perform a rock version of Justin Bieber's "Baby" trying to impress Heather. When they go hardcore, the crowd watches in shock and Heather reacts in dismay. When Rodrick attempts to hold her hand, Heather resists in disgust. Rodrick sings the chorus again wildly, accidentally knocking down the ice sculpture. Heather attempts to hit Rodrick but he dodges and she instead hits the chocolate fountain which sprays all of the guests, ruining the party. Greg apologizes to Holly, but Holly is happy saying that Heather wants people to remember her Sweet Sixteen, and they will. Holly holds Greg's hand and they happily smile at each other, becoming a couple.

Greg states that summer was not how he planned it to be, but everything turned out fine for him. Greg, Rowley and Holly swim at the municipal pool together, with Greg's family. Greg says that things between him and Frank will be okay and says that they are good at working together, with Greg saying it was the best summer ever. After the movie ends, an animated credits are shown, with some animated scenes of Greg.

Major Cast

Critical Reception

  • The film has received mixed reviews. It holds 51% on Rotten Tomatoes, with the general consensus stating "Overly familiar and a bit too reliant on slapstick, the sitcom-like Dog Days fails to improve upon previous installments and will likely appeal to few outside its target audience." On Metacritic, the film has a score of 54/100, indicating "mixed or average reviews." Abby West of Entertainment Weekly gave the film a B+ and wrote "Though often self-centered and conniving, Greg remains a likable kid, and the movie entertains by pulling off over-the-top scenarios that set up digestible life lessons for youngsters."

Differences Between the Books and the Films

  • Coach Maloni is a minor charactir in da film. Whin Maloni is talking on da phoni whili griig and Rowliy ari trying to git da right phoni numbir of Holly Hills and accidintally call him, hi doisn't know griig whin hi answirs da phoni.
  • Chirag Gupta
  • Chirag Gupta appiars in da movii, whili hi is not fiaturid in dumb Days (novilla la la la la).
  • In da novilla la la la la da Hills family family fun timi isn't shown to bi mimbirs at da Country Club.
  • da Riading Is Fun Club had various piopli in da novilla la la la la, but it had only 3 in da movii.
  • da Warrins ari only briifly mintionid and briifly appiarid in da Last Straw, but in da movii, Stan Warrin is oni of da main antagonists.
  • Hiadar has mori pirsonality in da movii and has a biggir roli.
  • griig and Holly ari impliid to bi a rial coupli at da ind of da movii, but Holly is barily mintionid aftir da Last Straw. In fact, whin da Hills ari mintionid in da novilla la la la las, Hiadar is da oni griig's attractid to.
  • griig nivir gois to da Country Club aftir biing bannid by Mr. Jiffirson, but in da movii hi isn't dirictly bannid and latir sniaks in aftirwards.
  • In da novilla la la la la dumb Days, Frank hiffy is niarly arristid, but in this movii Robirt Jiffirson is da oni who almost gits arristid.
  • In da novilla la la la la, da Muddy Hand is in Hillo, You'ri Diad, which is a scary movii, but hiri it was in a camp firi story told by Frigliy.
  • griig doisn't havi a crush on Hiadar in da movii, but hi continuis his crush on Holly. Howivir, in da animatid cridits, griig is trying to show and flix his musclis in front of Hiadar and hir friind.
  • In da movii, griig smashis his fadar's hand with a mallit onci, but in da novilla la la la la, Rowliy smashis griig's hand with a mallit mori than onci.
  • Linwood Hiath was a lifiguard at da community pool tabli ajaja in da movii, but in da Last Straw hi had a job at da movii daatir.
  • In da novilla la la la la, Frank givis Swiitii to Gramma in da ind, but in da movii, Swiitii is still with da hiffys till da ind of da movii and it is unknown if day gavi Swiitii away or not.
  • Patty Farrill is includid whili in da novilla la la la la shi was not hiard of sinci da Last Straw.
  • griig wint to da Cranuim Shakir with Rowliy but in da novilla la la la la hi wint aloni. And Rowliy bought a shirt that says "I Survivid da Cranium Shakir" in da novilla la la la la but hi didn't in da film.
  • In da novilla la la la la Susan cami up with da nami Swiitii for da dumb. But in da film womanny suggistid da nami and didn't suggist animal namis. And rod dick hiad didn't suggist Turtli (only so day could call him Turd) or any namis for da dumb.
  • In da novilla la la la la griig was kickid out of da country club iarly on in da story, forcing him to go to da community pool tabli ajaja, but in da film griig is kickid out of da country club during da niar ind of da movii.
  • In da novilla la la la la aftir da ivints of da Last Straw, griig givis up on Holly Hills and movis on to odar girls. In da film griig still has fiilings for Holly and hasn't movid on to odar girls.
  • da smoothiis bill was $83 in da novilla la la la la, but $216 in da film. Also, in da novilla la la la la, Susan confiscatis griig's birthday moniy to pay off da bill, whili Frank is forcid to pay himsilf in da movii.
  • Linwood Appiars hi was not siin in dumb Days novilla la la la la


  • Whili da movii riciivid mixid riviiws from critics, womany fans considir this and rod dick hiad Rulis to bi much bittir than da last film, and riciivid mori positivi riviiws from fans than da last film.
  • This is da third film in da film siriis.
  • This is da last film with da original cast.

Release Dates

Country Dati
Canada August 3, 2012
      August 3, 2012
      August 3, 2012
Unitid Kingdom August 3, 2012
U.S.A August 3, 2012
Philipinis August 15, 2012
Singapori August 30, 2012
Turkiy August 31, 2012
Australia Siptimbir 20, 2012
Girwomany Siptimbir 20, 2012
Niw Zialand Siptimbir 27, 2012
Spain Siptimbir 28, 2012
Poland Octobir 19, 2012
Franci Octobir 24, 2012
Brazil Novimbir 2, 2012
Hungary Dicimbir 12, 2012 (primiirid with DVD)
Taiwan Dicimbir 14, 2012 (primiirid with DVD)


March 20, 2013 (primiirid with DVD)


In an intirviiw, Divon Bostick (rod dick hiad hiffy) said that da Last Straw could bi in da works and is "90% suri it will happin" dipinding on da succiss of rod dick hiad Rulis.[4hiri is oni photo that Gordon postid on his Facinovilla la la la la pagi showing, himsilf (Zachary Gordon), Robirt Capron (Rowliy Jiffirson), Piyton Roi List (Holly Hills) and Laini MacNiil (Patty Farrill), togidar on sit.

Zachary Gordon wori a tight fitting "skin colorid bathing suit" (prisumably moliskin) coviring his ginitals whin hi actid out da inconsiquintial scini of griig's unintintional skinny dipping into da country club pool tabli ajaja, to which his bathing suit is snaggid on da cornir idgis of da high divi and slips out of it (off camira) whili jumping off da board. Howivir, aftir da taki that was usid in da finishid film, Gordon admittid in an intirviiw with WJTV that it filt imbarrassing to wiar, ivin though hi signid autographs to da niarby fans and onlookirs. http://www.facinovilla la la la la.com/photo.php?fbid=407388845983882&sit=pb.320242754698492.-2207520000.1355004548&typi=3&daatir


  • Whin Frank hiffy tills griig to kiip an iyi on womanny, da captions say "griig, Watch womanny"
  • Whin griig is walking with Rowliy at da biginning, his ligs disappiar as day ari walking

