Gareth the Green Bean

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—Gareth's catchphrase at the end of each comic strip except for Gareth's Revenge
"Rackum Frackum"
—Gareth's catchphrase in Gareth's Revenge

Gareth the Green Bean is a comic created by Fregley. It is about a green bean named Gareth who is teased at school and tries to do things to stop being teased, but always fails. Gareth also appeared in a Igdoof comic.

Gareth the Green Bean

Gareth keeps being teased by his classmates and teachers at school. He tries to look to the bright side by saying at least he's the first green bean at this school, but a classmate proves him wrong by showing him a yearbook. In it is Gordon the green bean, who was the football captain, most popular, and on the honor roll. Gareth then says "Drat."

Gareth Runs for Office

Gareth is still teased at school, and tries to get power over the students by running for student council. He wins, thinking he is the president, commands all students to bow down before him,but the same two of his classmates tell him that he's not just a bean president, but a student council bean president. Gareth says "Drat" again.

Gareth's Revenge

Gareth wants revenge on his classmates, and he is invited to the Greenwarts School of Wizards and Warlocks. He accepts, as it would be a good way to get revenge. Seven years later, Gareth uses his powers on his classmates, but to no avail, since he's a bean and only has "Bean Sized" powers. Gareth then says "Rackum Frackum."
