The Neighborhood Tattler
The Neighborhood Tattler is a newspaper created by Greg and Rowley. It was only shown and mentioned in Cabin Fever. It was created to inform the public about Greg and Rowley's Holiday Bazaar.
The Neighborhood Tattler was first created by Greg and Rowley after their unsuccessful attempt to get an ad in the local paper about their Holiday Bazaar. They attempt to pass it around their middle school before Vice Principal Roy swoops in and takes all the newspapers. Later, Greg uses his newspaper to reveal the identity of the masked stranger.
Newspaper Sections
Ask Greg
This section featured Greg answering questions sent in by readers. However, Greg and Rowley couldn't get real people to ask questions, so they wrote fake ones. One is about a guy that doesn't wear socks in his slippers and one is about ladies asking if Greg was single.
And it also had a comic section with three known comics.
- T.G.I.F. by Rowley Jefferson
- Ned the Napkin by Rowley Jefferson
- Stinky Sebastian by Greg Heffley
It's first ever article advertised Greg and Rowley's holiday bazaar and how the other holiday bazzar's employees are ripping people of by selling expensive Drummies.
The latest known article is of Greg revealing that he is the masked do-gooder.
Greg wrote a review criticizing Papa Tony's and how they stopped selling grape soda, you're only allowed to take two napkins and how they replaced many non-veg pizzas with veg pizzas, and how the soda machine doesn't work right half of the time. But an advertisement of Papa Tony was printed right next to it.
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever (First and only appearance)
The title.
The first front page.
Greg revealed he was the masked person who cleared the driveway for the soup kitchen to open.
This section talks about Greg's bad experience at Papa Tony's pizza restaurant.