Rowley Jefferson

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Character Description and Appearance

File:Rowley New.pngRowley Jefferson-Robert Capron.jpg

Rowdy "Rowley" Jefferson is Gregory Heffley's best friend,he has protective parents who aren't fond of Greg and are scared Greg is going to ruin Rowley.Rowley often does things that aren't stable for his age and Gender and likes to play,he often keeps birthdays near ballpits,he likes to play with kiddy toys,his all friend except for Greg are first-second graders.He has a square head and has seven blond straight hair laying out on his head,he has black beady eyes and has a bucked-toothed mouth which never closes and wears a short sleeve shirt and a shorts.


Rowley likes to do many kiddy things like playing in ball pits,skipping and acting like a little kid,playing with kids and also do less mature things and he likes to be safe from catching puberty and he is happy that he isn't growing.When he got a zit,he acted it like if its a big complishment and was going around sohwing of his red juicy zit,because his mom told him he is becoming a man.


Rowley doesn't appears to have a good health as he is overweight,its unknown why exactly he is overweight,its unknown if he eats a lot or if there is another reason,he is also quite unathletic as he gets tired easily and he fainted after taking Greg on a piggyride,even though Greg's barely the half of the weight of Rowley.