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Susan Heffley
Susan the lovable mother
Name Susan Heffley
Gender Female
Status Alive

Susan Heffley, or more commonly known as "Mom", is Greg, Manny, and Rodrick's mother and major character in the series. She is married to Frank Heffley. She is a rather loving and caring mother, but she constantly embarrasses Greg and Rodrick, and appears to never care. Susan apparently knows very little about older children and often humiliates and ignores Greg and Rodrick to their dismay. She apparently spoils Manny a lot, which Greg sees as very unfair. She often pushes Greg into certain conflicts, resulting in much more chaos and embarrassment than what it would be if she did not push him into said conflicts. In the books, Greg has stated that she used to be a preschool teacher, and now, she apparently works for the PTA, yet what her position is in that committee remains unknown. She is played by Rachael Harris in the movie.


In the books, Susan is depicted as ignorant, annoying, over-reactive and clueless. She constantly tries to pull the family together, by getting Frank and Greg accustomed to Rodrick's band, tries to get Greg and Rodrick close to Frank, and tries to get Greg to enjoy reading, but none of her plans ever seem to work, and often end up in rather disastrous consequences for Greg and Rodrick. She always loves to embarrass Greg by calling him embarrassing pet names such as "Honeybunches," much to Greg's dismay. She constantly ignores Greg and humiliates and embarrasses him mostly all the time through the series. In Rodrick Rules, she humiliates Rodrick by dancing to his heavy metal music, which then gets released as "Dancing Mom" on the Internet, angering Rodrick, and even pushes him to the extent where he hides in his room, waiting for everything to get over.


  • In the online book, Susan is known as Ann Heffley.
  • In the online book, it is shown that Susan has a sister known as Aunt Cakey. Her appearance might be revealed in the fifth book.
  • Susan's maiden name is unknown.
  • Her origins, such as her parents, etc., still remain unknown.